Saturday, December 4, 2010


' Life was like a box of never know what you are gonna get' (Forest Gump, 1994).

Coklat @ cyokore-to~( チョコレート)...
Can't think of anything better than this..hoho

teringat cokelat gunung berapiii kat pizzaaa!!!huhuu

melting~! fuhh!!!^^~

perghh...tadek keja cari keja...suruh study malas...maka, gugu-gugu la jawabnya...hehe...picta atas credit to mr Gugu okeh...
Jap..aku suka ke coklat???hmm...suka jugaklah ^^
p/s: gugu=google =D

2 klik dan komen :):

Sofiayantie said...

ko dah kenapa??? saja nak liurkan aku kan tgk benda alah ni.. haha

Atika Yusof said...

lame dah kot cik copiaa....huhuhu